Food and Country

**This is a fundraiser event for WRFI — Tue. September 17 at 7 PM! All ticket proceeds will go directly to WRFI; punch cards and gift cards will not be accepted, and member benefits will not apply. Tickets are $12. Stick around after the film for a panel discussion and talkback hosted by WRFI's Felix Teitelbaum with panelists Christa Nunez of Khuba International, Denise O’Leary of Cafe Dewitt, Chaw Chang of Stick and Stone Farm, Jeff Bessmer of GreenStar Coop!** Worried about the survival of small farmers, ranchers, and chefs hobbled by America’s policy of producing cheap food, trailblazing food writer Ruth Reichl reaches across political and social divides to report on the country's broken food system and the innovators risking everything to transform it.PT1H40M2024-09-17
Laura Gabbert
Food and Country"Food and Country"


September 17, 7:00 pm
